Tuesday, April 27, 2010

List of works by Mary Shelley(Main article)

1.History of Six Weeks' Tour through a Part of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland, with Letters Descriptive of a Sail round the Lake of Geneva, and of the Glaciers of Chamouni (1817)
2.Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus (1818)
3.Mathilda (1819)
4.Valperga; or, The Life and Adventures of Castruccio, Prince of Lucca (1823)
5.Posthumous Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley (1824)
6.The Last Man (1826)
7.The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck (1830)
8.Lodore (1835)
9.Falkner (1837)
10.The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley (1839)
11.Contributions to Lives of the Most Eminent Literary and Scientific Men (1835–39), part of Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia
12.Rambles in Germany and Italy in 1840, 1842, and 1843 (1844)

romance in the hulk

The story of the hulk has elements of romance throughout the story. Just like the monster Dr. Frankenstein created, the monster is misunderstood and not accepted into society because of how intimidating he looks. But on the inside, he just wants to be treated like a regular person. He has a heart and does anything he can to protect people and hell risk his life to save his girl. He dosen't want to destroy things, but the military forces him to.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Differences between film and book

There are more differences between the movie and book than there are similarities. This is because the movie is largely based on the 1920s play by Peggy Webling rather than the original Shelley text.
A notable difference between the book and film is the articulation of the monster's speech. In Shelley's book, the creature taught himself to read with books of classic literature such as Milton's Paradise Lost. The creature learns to speak clearly in what appears in the novel as Early Modern English, because of the texts he has found to learn from while in hiding. In the 1931 film, the creature is completely mute except for grunts and growls. (In the 1935 Bride of Frankenstein, the original creature learns some basic speech but is very limited in his dialog, speaking with rough grammar and still preferring at times to express himself gutturally. By the third film, Son of Frankenstein, the creature is again rendered inarticulate).
In Mary Shelley's original novel, the creature's savage behavior is his conscious decision against his maltreatment and neglect because of his inhuman appearance, whereas in the 1931 film adaptation states that his condition is largely due to the mistake made by Frankenstein's assistant Fritz, who provides a "Criminal Brain" to be used for the creature.
The deformed (hunchbacked) assistants of the first two films are not characters derived from the novel. In the original text, Frankenstein creates his monster in solitude without servants.
In the novel, how Frankenstein builds the creature is only obscurely described, references being made to a long slow process born from a combination of new scientific principles and ancient alchemical lore. Whereas the movies precisely depict the methodology by which their version of the monster is created, showing Frankenstein robbing graves of the recently dead and using the organs and body parts to reconstruct a new human body. This process culminates with the harnessing of a lightning bolt to awaken the creature, a scene famously depicted with great spectacle in the 1931 film. Despite their at best limited presence in the original novel, the idea of the patchwork body of dead flesh and massive discharges of electricity being key to the genesis of the monster have become commonly associated with the Frankenstein story.
Another part of the book that is entirely unmentioned in the movie is the Monster's request that Frankenstein make a female companion for him. The Monster threatens Frankenstein, and Frankenstein submits and begins to create another creature. Halfway through the procedure, Frankenstein is overcome with guilt and destroys his work, saying that he would not form another being as hideous and demonic as the first one. This enrages the Monster and causes him to vow that he will be with Frankenstein on his wedding night.
In the novel, Frankenstein's name is Victor, not Henry (Henry Clerval was the name of Victor's best friend) and he is not a doctor, but rather a college student. Elizabeth is murdered by the Monster on her wedding night. The Monster also murders Henry Clerval and Victor's young brother William. Victor's father dies heartbroken after Elizabeth's murder and Victor begins his pursuit of the monster, which eventually leads to his death from an illness aboard a boat en route to the North Pole. The Monster, finding Victor dead, vows to travel to the Pole and commit suicide, although it is not revealed if he does so.



Frankenstein is a 1931 American horror film from Universal Pictures directed by James Whale and adapted from the play by Peggy Webling which in turn is based on the novel of the same name by Mary Shelley. The film stars Colin Clive, Mae Clarke, John Boles and Boris Karloff, and features Dwight Frye and Edward van Sloan. The Webling play was adapted by John L. Balderston and the screenplay written by Francis Edward Faragoh and Garrett Fort with uncredited contributions from Robert Florey and John Russell. The make-up artist was Jack Pierce.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Quote from Mary Shelley 4

"My dreams were at once more fantastic and agreeable than my writings."

Personally, what Mary Shelley is trying to say here is that she no longer had to dream what she could do with her talent; she could now show it in her books, poems, and other writings. This was mainly due to the restrictions that were current on the 1800's where women could not and were not allowed to do work that men did; it was prohibited for a women to write a book. Women were restricted at home, house wifes and thats it. However, once she sought the chance to write her thoughts on paper it became clear that talent does not come with gender.

Quote from Mary Shelley 3

"I do not wish women to have power over men; but over themselves."

This here seems, perhaps, a constant struggle that woman have today in the workforce. A lot of women compete as if they will dominate man in the workforce or even at home. Naturally, men are more practical and women are more emotional; however, I do agree that women should have power over themselves. I do agree with Mary Shelley because this is a way of saying if women have character and show confidence that sets them apart from another woman in a non emotional way then that woman has power over herself and could possibly have power over a man, easily.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mary Shelley's Vision

"I placed my head on my pillow, I did not sleep, nor could I be said to think. My imagination unbidden, possessed and guided me.. I saw with shut eyes, but acute mental vision, - the pale student of unhallowed arts standing before the thing he had put together, I saw the hideous phantasm of a man stretched out, and then, on the working of some powerful engine, show signs of life and stir with an uneasy, half vital motion... frightful must it be; for supremely frightful would be the effect of any human endeavour to mock the stupendous mechanism of the Creator of the world. His success would terrify the artist; he would rush away from his odious handiwork, horror stricken.... He (the artist) sleeps but he is awakened; he opens his eyes; behold, the horrid thing stands at his bedside, opening his curtains and looking on him with yellow, watery, but speculative eyes." Frankenteinfilms.com. This is the vision she had and the vision which is described in the preface of the novel and is the vision she had some days after she and her friends decided to write a ghost story. This vision led her to write Frankenstein in which the events in her dream are represented.

Her dream has influenced the content of her book very much, however many other aspects of her life are represented in the book she had written. She wrote about life and death, and creation, and these be a derivative of the events which have taken place in her life, such as the death of her mother and children, and the run off of her husband at some point in her life. Her dream however, gave her a pathway to create the story which could express many underlying issues she had.